Introduction to Sea-90
Sea-90 minerals and trace elements are natural crystals produced multiple times per year from sea water trapped in retention ponds located in a pristine estuary on the Sea of Cortez. Sea-90 differs from all other sea minerals currently on the market because it is created from one of the most mineral-rich seas on earth, in an arid environment with an annual rainfall of less than one half inch (1.27 cm) per year, and average temperatures normally in excess of 100° F (37° C). Sea-90 continues to work diligently to perfect the capture and production of the highest quality mineral and trace element package available. We anticipate the ability to supply global demand into perpetuity.
Trace elements, usually less than one-tenth of one percent, exert powerful influences far beyond their quantity. Scientific understanding of the role of trace elements in human and plant physiology is new and emerged slowly during the last century. It is known that 16 trace elements have critical biological functions, but many more are suspected to play a role in cellular function and molecular design.
As a result of extensive research, Dr. Murray discovered that soil microbiological activity and plant growth and development is enhanced when the concentration of sodium chloride in seawater derived Sea-90 is applied at specific rates and in specific dilutions.
Further research has demonstrated a dramatic difference in plant growth when comparing common table salt treatments vs. Sea-90 treatments. The molecular link present in Sea-90 between beneficial macro and trace elements and Sodium Chloride, vs. the sole presence of Sodium Chloride in common table salt, is believed to play a large role in how soil and plants positively take to Sea-90 applications.
Common table salt is pure white crystals of highly refined 97-99 percent sodium chloride. Sea-90 is dehydrated seawater in its purest state containing only 75-80 percent sodium chloride. It is not a single mineral salt but a natural blend of 90 plus elements in the sea’s perfect proportions. The macro elements (sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium) are totally balanced with the trace elements (copper, chromium, zinc, manganese, selenium, cobalt, molybdenum, et al). For more information on Sea-90’s analysis, please visit our Technical and Certifications Hub.
While Sea-90 is not recommended for human consumption, we do offer a culinary-grade sea salt featuring the same beneficial minerals and trace elements: Baja Gold Sea Salt. Please visit Baja Gold Salt Co. to learn more.
The “base” within all Sea-90 products is the same – our all-natural, mineral and trace element sea solids. To help support our customers in the most effective and efficient way possible, we’ve created several product form factors and blends for specific use cases.
Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer, Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt, Sea-90 Ocean Life Complete Sea Salt, and Sea-90 Grower’s Series Mineralizer are all Sea-90 “base” products with no featured ingredients. Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer, Sea-90 Ocean Life Complete Sea Salt, and Sea-90 Grower’s Series Mineralizer are all micronzed (milled) for rapid dissolving into water. Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt is a slightly larger grain size (roughly a “#8”) ideal for livestock and equine palatability.
Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt with Garlic features organic, food-grade garlic for natural fly, flea, and tick prevention. It is also a #8 grain size, ideal for livestock and equine.
Sea-90 Soil Mineralizer + and Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation are our largest grain size, ideal for broadcast spreading. They also feature organic humate to help support plant nutrient uptake. The humate gives these products a black color.
For more information, please visit: Sea-90's Product Overview
No. Sea-90 remains pristine and pollution free. The Sea of Cortez does not connect to the Gulf of Mexico, where the Deep Horizon Oil Spill occurred. The Sea of Cortez is also shielded from the pollution of the Pacific Ocean (and Fukushima) in several ways. Firstly, our facilities are located on the northeast side of the Baja peninsula, a significant distance from where the Sea of Cortez flows into the Pacific Ocean. Secondly, the San Pedro Martir Mountains rise more than 10,000 feet (3,095 meters) above sea level on the west coast of the 150 mile wide Baja Peninsula creating a natural barrier to wind and rain carrying air-borne radiation east from the Pacific Ocean. Rest assured, Sea-90 is pollutant and contaminant free.
Sea-90 vs. Competitors
Quite simply, Sea-90 offers the healthiest, most balanced mineral sea salt on the marketplace today. It marries a naturally-low Sodium Chloride level (75-80%) with industry-leading mineral and trace element content. If you’re looking for the best for your soils, plants, and livestock, you’re looking for Sea-90.
In the English language, the term “sea salt” is used to describe many different types of salt. For example, one popular mineral salt for livestock is mined from ancient sea deposits beneath the Earth’s surface in Utah. This particular salt evolved millions of years ago from trapped water after seas covering the area receded from the land. Although the producer terms it “sea salt”, it is actually “earth salt” and contains significantly fewer minerals and trace elements than found in Sea-90. Earth salts are pure white, red or pink color. White salt is extremely high in sodium chloride and red or pink salt high in iron or other metals. Charles Walters of ACRES USA believed that livestock producers with high iron levels in their soil and/or irrigation water produce pasture and hay with abnormally high levels of iron. He said that these producers should avoid feeding pink or red mineral salts because livestock can develop iron toxicities that block the uptake of other important minerals and trace elements causing health issues. Livestock also ingest greater quantities of earth salts due to its lower water solubility and fewer minerals and trace element content.
Perfect sea solids, as defined by Dr Murray, must be produced from pollution free sea water, 100% solar dried, never touched by rain, and beige in color. That is why Dr. Murray selected the present location of Sea-90 to produce his sea solids.
Sea water is unique inasmuch as even the smallest pinhead drop contains all periodic elements, including sodium in perfect ratios. All periodic table elements work together as a functional whole in sea water and Sea-90. If sodium is removed or reduced from this system, it disrupts the assimilation and use of other elements. Each element has to function in ratio and relationship to all other elements in order that the delivery system works.
Unfortunately, life outside the sea is not perfect or balanced. We live in a world of extremes, especially with regard to sodium. We hear and read that too much salt will kill us. (Thankfully, leading doctors and health practitioners are beginning to uncover the myth of this falsehood!) Fear is a very powerful marketing tool, and Sea-90’s low sodium competitors are exploiting “fear of salt” to promote their products as superior. However, in order to obtain the bio-availability of all other minerals and trace elements, sodium must be present in the exact proportions as in sea water. If we remove sodium, we create something unrelated to sea water that cannot deliver the complete mineral and trace element package Sea-90 provides.
Sea-90 is Nature’s perfect blend of balanced minerals and trace elements, sodium included, in the exact ratios and proportions in sea water.
No. Sea-90 is the exclusive source of the sea solids originally discovered by Dr. Maynard Murray. While other companies may claim to offer sea salts that support Dr. Murray’s research, they are not sourced from the location Dr. Murray recommended, and they will not feature the same mineral and trace element profile he required. Sea-90 is the original ocean mineral sea solid, and retains exclusive rights to the location where it is produced in the Baja.
All mineral salts originate in rock. However, a rock powder that contains the full spectrum of elements found in the sea does not exist. John Hamaker, who conducted extensive research with rock powders, stated that 20 percent of any rock powder application should be sea solid minerals. Sea-90, as dehydrated sea water, is water-soluble in the soil matrix. As a result, all nutrients available in mineral rich sea water are immediately available to soil life, and plants’ microbial populations feast on Sea-90, rapidly increasing. Over time, the microbes then break down the rock powder making their minerals and trace elements available for up to 10 years. Additionally, because Sea-90 is water soluble it can be dissolved and utilized as a foliar spray, while rock powders cannot.
At the Sea-90 mine, we create beds of sea salt as bases of our retention ponds. We then flood the retention ponds with fresh sea water. As the 100 degree F temperature heats the ponds the sodium chloride crystallizes and rises or blooms carrying minerals and trace elements to the surface of the sea water. This process is quite colorful and very beautiful to witness. The sea solids, Sea-90, solidifies from the surface down so there is always moisture below. We allow the sea solids to form until there is a thin layer of moisture so we can easily harvest sea solids from the area without disturbing the sea salt base in the retention pond. This layer of moisture is “bitterns” (the Mother Liquor) that was used for natural healing for centuries. You can create your own Bitterns once you have Sea-90. Put 10 pounds in a canvas bag and submerge in water. Then hang to dry and collect the drippings that are Bitterns. The Asians call this product Nagari and use it to create tofu.
Sea-90 Application
Yes, Sea-90 is a naturally mined, unprocessed and non-synthetic mineral. It is approved and listed by the NOP USDA as organic sea salt and by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) for use in production of all organic food, fiber and livestock. Please visit our Technical and Certifications Page for more information.
In our world, insects and diseases play important roles. They are attracted to weak and sick organisms and destroy them. The weak and sick are reduced and the healthy and strong are left to reproduce, thereby, improving the genetic pool. When Sea-90 is applied as a foliar spray to a plant’s leaf surface and/or incorporated into the soil, the plant metabolizes the minerals and trace elements into its sap or fluid. Once incorporated into the plant’s chemistry, the plant becomes healthier and its sap or fluid becomes infinitely more complex. Insects, specifically, have no pancreas and due to their simple physiology cannot digest sugars. Therefore, they leave the mineralized plants alone and attack and destroy the weaker plants without the complex chemistry.
Yes. Over multiple decades, Sea-90 has been used with virtually all other agronomy inputs with no negative interactions or results. It can be used alongside standard fertilizers, and even sprayed in tandem with herbicides and more. Please note we do recommend that when paired with other foliar products, Sea-90 is prepared first, so it can be properly dissolved and readied. Then, add other products within your program.
This is a common problem with three simple solutions, “Add more water, more time, more agitation, or all of the above.” Another factor to consider is the hardness and salinity of your water source. Hard water contains more minerals and therefore accepts less Sea-90 in solution. The harder your water, the more minerals naturally present. Therefore, you might find that you require more water to dissolve the targeted quantity of Sea-90.
Foliar Spraying Tips -
Yes. Please see the following links:
Other Sea-90 Questions
Yes. In 1979, Dr. Murray disclosed the location of the mineral deposits to Robert Cain of SeaAgri, and sent him there to arrange for importation. Robert returned to the same location in 2003 and once again arranged for the creation and importation of the “sea solids” now called Sea-90. The mineral composition of the seawater that produces Sea-90 has not changed in the past 50 years.
While it is true that the beds were flooded and covered by silt during 1981, there were no lasting or detrimental effects on the creation and harvesting of sea mineral solids in this region. Sea-90 is created several times each year from fresh sea water, resulting in pure, pristine minerals and trace elements.
Sea-90 has an infinite shelf life when stored covered and protected from moisture. We recommend Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt with Garlic be consumed within two years of purchase.