Pasture And Hay
Sea-90 Soil Mineralizer Plus and Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer
In the late fall and / or early spring, dry broadcast Sea-90 Soil Mineralizer+ at a rate of 50 - 100 lbs. per acre. If applying in both seasons, limit total application to 150 lbs.
During the growing season, foliar spray Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer at a rate of 5 lbs. per acre (dissolved in 20 gallons of water) at green-up and after each cutting or rotation.

Row Crops, Fruits, and Nuts
Sea-90 Soil Mineralizer Plus and Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer
Row Crops:
In the late fall and / or early spring, dry broadcast Sea-90 Soil Mineralizer+ at a rate of 50 - 100 lbs. per acre. If applying in both seasons, limit total application to 150 lbs.
During the growing season, foliar spray Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer at a rate of 3 lbs. per acre (dissolved in 20 gallons of water) every 14 days, or with pre-scheduled Foliar applications.
Fruit and Nut Trees:
In the late fall and / or early spring, dry broadcast Sea-90 Soil Mineralizer+ at a rate of 1 lb. per 10 feet of tree height, around the drip line of the tree.
During the growing season, foliar spray Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer at a rate of 3 lbs. per acre (dissolved in 20 gallons of water) every 14 days, or with pre-scheduled Foliar applications.

Livestock Management
Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt and Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt with Garlic
Loose Sea-90 minerals can be fed free choice or added to daily rations. Recommended daily quantities are below (for both Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt and Premium Mineral Salt with Garlic); please be sure to always consult with your veterinarian on your animal’s needs:
Beef Cattle: 2 ounces per animal per day.
Dairy Cattle: 4 ounces per animal twice per day.
Smaller Ruminants: 1/2 ounce per animal per day.
For Dairy Cattle and other Milking Ruminants, we exclusively recommend our standard Sea-90.
Sea-90 is also the best sea salt to create a livestock brine tank, one of the most efficient ways to remineralize your herd. To create a brine tank, add approximately 20 - 25 lbs. of Sea-90 per 300 gallon tank. More information about livestock brine tanks can be found from Steve Campbell.
When beginning a Sea-90 program, it is common for mineral deficient animals to “gorge” with a higher-than-average consumption. This may occur for 1-3 weeks, as the animals remineralize themselves. Once re-balanced, they’ll “back off” and daily consumption will return to standard levels.

Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt and Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt with Garlic
Loose Sea-90 minerals can be fed free choice or added to daily rations. Recommended daily quantities are below (for both Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt and Premium Mineral Salt with Garlic); please be sure to always consult with your veterinarian on your animal’s needs:
Grown Horses: 2 ounces per animal per day.
Yearlings and Smaller Horses: 1/2 to 1 ounces per animal per day.
When beginning a Sea-90 program, it is common for mineral deficient animals to “gorge” with a higher-than-average consumption. This may occur for 1-3 weeks, as the animals remineralize themselves. Once re-balanced, they’ll “back off” and daily consumption will return to standard levels.

Garden, Lawn, and Turf
Sea-90 Grower’s Series
Garden and Flowers:
- If mixing new soil, add 1 lb. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation per 50 cubic feet of soil. Mix thoroughly.
- If top-dressing onto existing soil:
- Raised Beds (Produce): Top-dress 1 lb. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation per 100 square feet of soil.
- Raised Beds (Flowers): Top-dress 1/3 lb. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation per 100 square feet of soil.
- Potted Plants / Flowers: Top-dress 1/2 tsp. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation per 5-gallon pot. Lightly top-dress smaller pots with a pinch of of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation.
- During the growing season, mix 1 tsp. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Mineralizer or 1/2 oz. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Liquid Mineralizer with 1 gallon of water and spray until runoff. Apply every 1-2 weeks.
Lawn and Turf:
- Spread 1/3 lb. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation per 100 square feet of lawn in late fall or early spring.
- Mix 1 tsp. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Mineralizer or 1/2 oz. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Liquid Mineralizer with water and spray until runoff. Apply every 1-2 weeks.

Hemp and Cannabis
Sea-90 Grower’s Series, Sea-90 Soil Mineralizer Plus, and Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer
Large scale production:
In the late fall and / or early spring, dry broadcast Sea-90 Soil Mineralizer+ at a rate of 50 - 100 lbs. per acre. If applying in both seasons, limit total application to 150 lbs.
During the growing season, foliar spray Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer at a rate of 3 lbs. per acre (dissolved in 20 gallons of water) every 14 days, or with pre-scheduled Foliar applications.
Home production:
If mixing fresh soil, prepare by mixing 1 lb. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation per 50 cubic feet of soil. Mix thoroughly. If growing in pre-mixed soil, top-dress approximately 1/3 lb. per 100 square feet of soil.
During the grow out, prepare a foliar solution consisting of 1 tsp. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Mineralizer per gallon of water. Spray flowers and plant tissue until runoff. Apply every 7-14 days. Sea-90 Grower’s Series Liquid Mineralizer can also be used (1/2 ounce per gallon of water).

Hydroponics and Aquaponics
Sea-90 Grower’s Series and Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer
We now know that the addition of Sea-90 to any hydro solution will improve crop production and nutrient density. Crops grown will be healthier and more disease and insect resistant. Whether you are a commercial grower or a hobby gardener, SeaAgri encourages you to add Sea-90 to your solution in small amounts to reap the benefits of the minerals and trace elements.
Our starter recommendation for Sea-90 is to include 1 tsp. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Mineralizer (or 1/2 oz. Grower’s Series Liquid Mineralization) per gallon of hydroponic nutrient solution. This can be refined depending upon what is being grown and what other nutrients are offered.
We’ve also compiled an overview of Dr. Murray’s original, complete hydroponic nutrient formulas. Please visit this page for more information: Hydroponic Formulas

Marine Life and Aquaculture
Sea-90 Ocean Life Complete Sea Salt
Please see the below for our sea water creation recommendations based on experiences with customers. We understand that environments and marine life can vary, and recommend refinements to best fit your needs.
- Add Sea-90 Complete Sea Salt to dechlorinated tap water or purified water.
- Mix vigorously, aerating mixture until pH and oxygen are stable.
- We recommend mixing a few hours prior to use to allow marine snow (sandy silt) to naturally settle to the bottom.
- Before adding to your tank, check specific gravity, pH, and temperature levels.
Sea-90 can be used to recreate seawater or brine water in aquarium tanks or aquaculture ponds. Sea-90 supports all forms of marine life.
Dissolving 1/2 cup (approximately 130 grams) of Sea-90 Complete Sea Salt in 1 gallon (3.8L) of purified water at 78* F will result in a seawater mix of:
- Specific Gravity: 1.021 - 1.024 / approx. 28 ppt - 32 ppt salinity
- pH: 8.0 - 8.2
Approximate Per Gallon Use:
- 10 Gallons: 3 Lbs.
- 25 Gallons: 7.5 Lbs.
- 50 Gallons: 15 Lbs.
- 100 Gallons: 30 Lbs.
- 150 Gallons: 45 Lbs.
- 200 Gallons: 60 Lbs.
Sea-90 Complete Sea Salt is created naturally by lunar and tidal activity. Specifications may vary by tidal season. Always test small batches to meet your operation’s requirements.

Compost and Compost Tea
Sea-90 Grower’s Series
Mineral rich compost is the end product of organic matter decomposition. Organic matter can include: garden waste, kitchen scraps, manure, leaves, grass clippings and straw. When we create compost, we attempt to duplicate the decomposition process that occurs naturally. For example, leaves fall from the top of trees in our forests, land on the ground, then slowly decompose through microbial action. Compost is a living culture, a colony of macro and micro organisms that converts organic matter into humus. It is a valuable mixture of decaying organic matter that is used to improve soil structure by providing nutrients.
For large scale composting operations, add 5 lbs. of Sea-90 per 2,000 lbs. of compost, mixing evenly into the pile.
For small scale or backyard composting, sprinkle a small amount of Sea-90 between 12-inch layers. The 2 lbs. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation will treat approximately 500 lbs. of compost.
Compost Tea:
Compost tea is a highly concentrated microbial solution produced by extracting beneficial microbes from vermicompost and/or compost. The first key in producing quality compost tea is to start with a high quality, microbial-rich compost. After that, there are four essentials in creating the best possible growing situation for the microbes: water, air, food and comfort. The water should be clean, de-chlorinated, potable water. Compost tea brewers are available from many companies and feature aeration systems that insure the microbes receive adequate oxygen. These companies also provide pre-mixed and packaged nutrients to feed the diverse populations of both bacteria and fungi. Finished compost tea can be used as a soil application or foliar spray.
To supercharge compost tea with Sea-90, mix one tsp. Sea-90 Grower’s Series Mineralizer per 5-gallons of tea at the start of brewing. Brew for 12-24 hours. Complete the next steps based on whether you’re applying the tea to soil or using as a foliar spray.
For soil application, add an additional two teaspoons of Sea-90 per 5-gallons of tea and apply at a rate of 1 gallon per 100 square feet.
For foliar applications, add an additional one teaspoon of Sea-90 per 5-gallons of tea and spray plant surface until runoff.

Wheat Grass, Micro-Greens, and Seeds
Sea-90 Grower’s Series
Wheat Grass and Micro-Greens:
- Spread one inch of soil, worm castings or compost in a tray and spread two layers of paper towel sheets and moisten.
- Fill the watering can with warm water and add one-half teaspoon Sea-90. Mix until Sea-90 is dissolved and pour liquid into a spray bottle (one teaspoon Sea-90 per gallon of water is our nutrient solution).
- Place whatever growing medium you intend to use in three trays and moisten till damp but not too wet.
- Soak one cup of wheat grass or as described below in “Inoculating and Sprouting Seeds” using Sea-90 solution and rinse twice on day one. Buckwheat lettuce, lettuce and micro green seeds do not require soaking overnight and can be spread directly on the growing medium surface.
- On day two, pour seeds onto the moist growing medium. Any growing medium suggested above can be used. Soil and compost require less maintenance, since paper towels dry faster and require more attention. Spread seeds evenly over the entire surface and mist with Sea-90 solution until seeds are damp. Place the trays on the third shelf heating pad and cover with newspaper so seeds are in total darkness. Check twice daily and either mist or water as needed.
- Once seeds are completely germinated and begin to grow, remove the newspaper and move to the second shelf to continue the growing cycle. Cut sprouts once the first leaf level is attained. At this point, you can begin another crop of sprouts and greens.
Inoculating and Sprouting Seeds:
- Add a one quarter teaspoon Sea-90 per one quart soaking water. Soak the seeds for four to six hours and rinse.
- Purchase window screens at any hardware store and cut into 6”x 6” squares. Cover the end of the Mason jar with the screen and attach with the lid rim. Rinse the sprouts twice daily and allow to completely drain. Refrigerate after seeds sprout and show visible sprouted roots.
To improve the digestibility of almonds and walnuts, prepare the same Sea-90 solution and soak the nuts for four to six hours and rinse until water runs clear. This removes natural enzyme inhibitors that impair digestion. Dry nuts in a dehydrator or low temperature oven and store in sealed mason jars in the refrigerator.

Game and Wildlife
Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt
Select a mineral site for free-choice feeding. Clear the area and, if possible, dig a moderate hole for Sea-90 to rest in. Pour 25-50 lbs. of loose Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt, or place one Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt 44 lb. block into the hole. Refresh the supply every season, ideally at the same site.
We recommend spacing mineral sites every 50 - 100 acres, depending on your terrain. Note that after heavy rains, the Sea-90 may soak into your soil (especially if you’re using loose Sea-90). This is OK! The attractant and mineral nutrients of the Sea-90 will remain in the soil at that site, and deer will still seek it out and dig / lick into the soil for Sea-90’s minerals.

Sea-90 Premium Mineral Salt
Where possible, Sea-90 can be substituted for standard salt in poultry feed. It can also be loosely spread on the ground for birds to peck at.
Sea-90 can also be added to bird water supplies to provide an ionic, immediately available source of minerals and trace elements. For homesteaders, a pinch of Sea-90 can be added to daily water. For larger operations we recommend:
- Create a brine solution with 1.5 ounces of Sea-90 per gallon of water. For a 5-gallon bucket, this would be 1/2 lb. of Sea-90.
- Inject the brine solution into the water supply at a ratio of 1:128.
- Monitor the brine solution, and replace with fresh brine once depleted. Depending on the size of the operation, the brine solution can be created in a 5-gallon bucket, 30 or 55 gallon drum, or even a 275 gallon tote.