Growing Hemp and Cannabis requires essentially the same minerals and trace elements as any other field, hydroponic, or potted crop. Trace minerals are essential for the production of both Trichome (flower) and fiber. Plants raised in soil containing, or fed nutrient solutions containing Sea-90’s trace minerals produce more stem, leaf, and flower than those raised on typical fertilizers. Sea-90’s 90 trace minerals are essential for fertility and reproduction in all plant and animal life.
Please follow all appropriate regulations and restrictions when growing any plant or crop. We’ve developed the below guidance for both large scale and home production environments:
Large scale production:
In the late fall and / or early spring, dry broadcast Sea-90 Soil Mineralizer+ at a rate of 50 - 100 lbs. per acre. If applying in both seasons, limit total application to 150 lbs.
During the growing season, foliar spray Sea-90 Foliar Mineralizer at a rate of 3 lbs. per acre (dissolved in 20 gallons of water) every 14 days, or with pre-scheduled Foliar applications.
Home production:
If mixing fresh soil, prepare by mixing 1 lb. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Foundation per 50 cubic feet of soil. Mix thoroughly. If growing in pre-mixed soil, top-dress approximately 1/3 lb. per 100 square feet of soil.
During the grow out, prepare a foliar solution consisting of 1 tsp. of Sea-90 Grower’s Series Mineralizer per gallon of water. Spray flowers and plant tissue until runoff. Apply every 7-14 days. Sea-90 Grower’s Series Liquid Mineralizer can also be used (1/2 ounce per gallon of water).
If growing using Hydroponics, please visit our Hydroponics page for more details and application information.